~Boyfriend fit~

by Lyralei
Uploaded July 20, 2023, 7:40 p.m.
Updated July 20, 2023, 7:44 p.m.
So I converted some male clothes to female! I tried to make them as identically as possible but some of them were just really hard to make it as identical as the male one.
Some of the meshes have these really strong shoulders, but since it is suppose to be oversized, it wouldn’t be a big problem.
I kept the packages separated from each other, but I have a “merged package” version of it in the download for the people who want them all in the game.
They are not high-poly since those are EA’s meshes. And they are all Base-game compatible!
Have fun! And don’t forget to tag with #Greenplumbboblover so I can see them in your game ^-^
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