~No more Weight loss/Weight Gain when swimming Mod fix~

by Lyralei
Uploaded July 20, 2023, 9:41 p.m.
Updated July 20, 2023, 9:45 p.m.
(warning!: This is a tuning mod, which means it will override EA’s default settings.)
Yeah yeah I know the header looks like crap. It’s 1 am don’t judge me.
Anyway! This is just a fixed version of @champs-les-sims tuning mod! Because the value was set as a negative number, the sim would gain weight. If it is positive, it means your sim will lose weight.
@ashuriphoenix, I know you didn’t request it. We all know this is better for andrei and Aspen XD
Known issues: This is the best I could do. Believe me! Since the atlethic skill is also chained to this, it will automatically make your sim lose weight, even if you would disable it.
BUT! Say your sim would swim all the way across the ocean (Here have an example:
Your sim will gain like 1% weight. That’s like literally nothing visible to see at all. A sim takes about 3 hours min 4 hours max to get all the way from the Wolff’s house to the other side.
So your sim sadly will gain weight but believe me, if you would go into CAS you won’t even notice it at all.
This is as far as you can fix it. I might update it in the future with a literally no weightloss, but for now, here you go!
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