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~Belladonna Cove statue~

Lyralei's avatar

by Lyralei

Uploaded July 20, 2023, 9:49 p.m.

Updated July 20, 2023, 9:53 p.m.

25 325 255

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

From far and wide, Sims have been drawn to beautiful Belladonna Cove! Some are looking for a quiet place to settle down, others to tango with the hustle and bustle of the more exciting districts and a distinct few who have been drawn by rumors of mystical energies. Will they all be able to get along?


Everyone who played the sims 2 apartment life knows about this statue. Or people who went into wanting to know more about Bella Goth a bit more have seen this statue in pictures. This object would have come with the Sims 2 to Sims 3 set that’s coming soon but I knew that people would probably get frustrated when they would search for this statue and knowing they have to download an entire set to get it. (I’ve been there, believe me).

So here it is! A separated version. ^-^

Information ###

This statue is pretty huge. Like really huge:


Yes that huge. I kept the size at his original size. I’m pretty surprised how stuff from the sims 2 and the sims 3 are the average size! (Not exactly the same width but oh well). So the only thing I edited was the seam around her neck.

Can I get it for CAW? ###

Yep! In fact, you can get it pretty much in every existing menu where it should belong! With that I mean:

  • CAW friendly (you do need to put it in a mods folder though.)
  • Visible in World editor (The in-game one if you’re in edit town)
  • Visible in the Sculptures menu

And base game compatible!

Known issues So far to my testing, none. Let me know if you encounter anything if you have any issues!

Daytime pictures please!


Note: Taken with EA’s default lighting

This version is non-recolourable though.

That’s all!

Rooms: Outdoor, Outdoor, Outdoor
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Belladonna statue original size - 806.0 KB
9 months, 4 weeks ago
46 43

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