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PhoebeJaySims.SimsNeedDrivingLicense.package 35.8 KB
1 month, 1 week ago
DLCs needed: Generations
368 326

Sims Need Driving License

Uploaded Jan. 29, 2025, 9:18 p.m.

Updated Jan. 31, 2025, 9:46 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr YouTube

17 1099 725

I've always wondered how different things would be if sims couldn't automatically drive when they aged into YAs... so I decided to change that.

This mod requires Lazy Duchess' MonoPatcher & Generations EP. and will conflict with any mod that edits the EA 'Can Drive' bool. As far as I know, no mods do so, since without the MonoPatcher it would be a core edit.

All sims (except the usual service NPCs) now can only drive once they have reached the max. level of driving skill.

Update 31/012025

  • Day 2 Patch anyone - Actually ensured that passing test will actually level up skill lol. Adjusted learning rate. Robots are exempt from needing to learn driving skill. New tuning values. See below!

Update 30/01/2025

  • Day 1 Patch - added notification when driving test has been passed.


  • Sims can get lessons at the school rabbithole.
  • If they are level -1 or 0, sims can first do their theory test which will increase driving skill to level 1.
  • Once they are level 2 in driving, they can do their driving test which, if passed, will automatically max out their driving skill.


  • kCanFailTest: true. If sims are trait or buff positive, they have a chance to fail their driving test. ~
  • kInactivesCanLearnAutomatically = true. If Inactive household sims are trait positive, they may auto-learn to drive upon age up to YA or when an active sim gets driving lessons. ~
  • kGiveLicenseToOneSimInCarOwningHouseholdUponFirstLoadUp = false. When this is toggled to true, one sim from each household that owns a car will get their license. Note: this only happens ONCE. Toggling on and off will not trigger this again.
  • kPriceOfTheory: 15 simoleons.
  • kPriceOfLessons: 75 simoleons.
  • kPriceOfTest: 200 simoleons.
  • kLengthOfTheoryTest: 45 mins
  • kLengthOfLessons: 90 mins
  • kLengthOfTest: 60 mins.
  • kChanceOfInactivesLearning: 70%. Only valid if kInactivesCanLearnAutomatically is true.

~ Traits that increase fail chance: loser, clumsy, absent minded, daredevil, coward, inappropriate, unlucky ~ Traits that will auto learn driving: vehicle enthusiast, adventurous, ambitious, loves the outdoors ~ Buffs that increase fail chance: juiced, dizzy, food poisoning, scared, feeling unlucky, exhausted


  • Made on version 1.67
  • Made on MonoPatcher version 0.2.2


  • To @lazyduchess for the MonoPatcher. I wouldn't have attempted this mod without it.

Final Notes:

  • It goes without saying that now none of your sims will be able to drive... it's nothing good old NRaas Master Controller can't quickly change if you don't feel like making ALL your sims take lessons.
  • Please let me know if you come across any minor issues. The mod is so simple that I've not had problems while testing but then again, I made this in one day so... :)
Rooms: Outdoor

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