32 Lot-Adjusted Empty Lots

Have you always wanted to build on small 1X1 lots? Or have a smaller sized beach lot for your surfer shack? Well, now you can!
I have done all the Lot-Adjusting work for you.

These lots were made with the UC installed.
If you don't have all the EPs/SPs (or at least AL/M&G as your highest one,) then, you probably can't use these!
(I provided links below, for similar "empty lot" collections - some of them don't need all EP/SPs.)

ALL possible lot sizes are included (within the game's original size limit of 6X6) - including Beach lots.

These are all perfectly flat lots (well, all except for the beach lots...)

The Sun is oriented to the front of the lot. /core/uploads/2023/08/14/52f2f496-2068-4011-8248-d1393176fc86.jpg

These were made on Lush Terrain, but that doesn't really matter anymore. Whatever terrain you put them down on (Desert, Dirt, Lush, or Cement) the game will change the lot's "base terrain" to match.

Lots are shrunk/expanded with Moo's Lot-Adjuster

Lots are cleaned/compressed with Chris Hatch's Lot Compressor.

New easy-to-read Thumbnails made by me.

The lots can be found at the END of your LotBin catalog (...not with the other in-game empty lots.)

There is No CC used in these empty lots.

As they say, "Life's a beach ~ and then..." - using the beach lots is super tricky! link


...And sometimes, they don't. >sigh<


NOTE: Beach Lots are fiddly! You may have to adjust the terrain before placing the lot. Scroll through the included pictures to see suggestions on how to fix them - in Desiderata, the hood terrain had to be raised one click before the beach lot would place properly. These lots were made on Twikkii Island, and should place pretty easily there.

TIP: Sometimes - if you place one of the larger Maxis beach lots, then bulldoze it - the terrain will be prepped for one of the new beach lots. Good luck!

- Unzip the "New Empty Lots" folder.
- Open it and move (or copy/paste) the 32 files into your LotCatalog (DocumentsEA GamesThe Sims 2LotCatalog).
- Find the lots by scrolling to the end of your Lot Bin the next time you are in your Neighborhood.

To make them PERMANENT - so they are in your catalog whenever you start a new game - put them here:
(These paths are for the UC - your path may be different)
- If you want them toward the end of your LotBin, put them in the base game folder: C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesThe Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionDouble DeluxeBaseTSDataResUserDataLotCatalog
- If you put them at the beginning of your LotBin, put them in your highest EP folder: C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesThe Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionFun with PetsSP9TSDataResUserDataLotCatalog

- In-game Lot sizes/prices: Wiki
- Lot/space Visualization Charts by d_dgjdhh

YES - this has been done before (but in different levels of "completeness".)
- MaryLou's Lots of Lots
- aelflaed's Sunnyside Lots
- plasticbox's Empty 2 x N Base Game lots

This is Part 3 of my LotCatalog Refresh Project ~ 32 Lot-Adjusted Empty Lots
Part 1 of my: LotCatalog Refresh Project ~ a complete Lot Bin overhaul
Part 2 of my: LotCatalog Refresh Project ~ a complete overhaul of the Specialty Lot Bin


Tags: Business Lots: #Community Business #Home Business #Other Stores | Community Lots: #Medium Lots #Misc #Small Lots | Game Fixes: #Misc Fixes | Maps & Templates: | Miscellaneous: | Residential Lots: #Medium Lots #Small Lots | University Lots: #Greek Lots #Studying Lots | Vacation Lots: #Recreation Lots #Rental Lots
Rooms: Outdoor
Donations: Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com


LotCatalogProject3-Empty_CGT.zip 3.1 MB
1 year, 5 months ago
DLCs needed: University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Seasons Bon Voyage Apartment Life Happy Holiday Stuff Family Fun Stuff Glamour Life Stuff Celebration Stuff H&M Fashion Stuff Teen Style Stuff
216 178

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