CatherineTCJD • Creator
Join Date: July 28th 2023
Last Seen: January 10th 2025
Following: 5
Followers: 21
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I mostly "build" - houses, apartments, recreational, and community lots.
I also create walls (and murals), floors, terrain paint, and various other recolors.
And I've written a few tutorials too. 😁
An archive of everything is on SFS: CatherineTCJD.

Thank you for visiting!

Socials & Donations:
Total Mods: 173
Unique Downloads Count: 1576
Total Downloads Count: 1904
The Sims 2 Business Lots, Residential Lots
Industrial Design - in 2 versions. As either a home or an office. No CC.

Home and/or Office built down a hill with the Grid-Adjuster, it is a sloped lot!

The Sims 2 Residential Lots
Winding Lane ~ Based on a RL house from 1959.

Built into a hill with the it is a sloped lot! 4 bedrooms - 2.5 bathrooms - garage - walk-out basement. No CC.

The Sims 2 Residential Lots
Isosceles Apartments - four 2-bedroom units - under a glass pyramid dome

This is an Earth-sheltered, bermed lot (built with theGrid-Adjuster.) 4 units; each with 2B/1.5B - and a community observation level.

The Sims 2 Cleaned Neighborhoods, Full-Built Neighborhood, Sub-Neighborhoods
Sameville ~ a Mid-Century Florida-Style Unpopulated Neighborhood
Project: Sameville ~ Mid-Century Florida Housing Tract

An Unpopulated Neighborhood for you to customize. Isn't it time your Sims moved to Florida?

The Sims 2 Community Lots
Al's Garage ~ a Community Lot on a 2-Step Foundation. No CC.

A gas station with magazine racks - chess tables - photo booth - bathrooms - vending - junker cars to fix. On a 2-Step Foundation. No CC.

The Sims 2 Residential Lots
The Villages ~ a 55+ Community

...a part of the Sameville Hood Project a trailer park community - especially for retirees ( if you use age-restricting mods )

The Sims 2 Halloween, Residential Lots
Amityville Horror House

From the 1979 movie, Amityville Horror. 5+ bedrooms - 4 bathrooms - attic - basement - driveway - huge yard with a No-Slope Basement on a 2-Step Foundation.

The Sims 2 Residential Lots
The Exorcist: The MacNeil House - 2 versions, w/CC and NoCC.

The MacNeil House From the 1973 movie, The Exorcist. 5 bedrooms - 5.5 bathrooms - attic - basement with a No-Slope Basement on a 2-Step Foundation.

The Sims 2 Residential Lots
Psycho House - in 2 versions: with minimal CC and/or NoCC

from Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film, Psycho 3+ bedrooms - 2 bathrooms - basement two versions: with minimal CC & with No CC

The Sims 2 Community Lots
1st Church of Sameville ~ a Community Lot
Project: Sameville ~ Mid-Century Florida Housing Tract

...a part of the Sameville Hood Project a community lot park-like grounds - church - bathrooms - lecture podium - grand piano

The Sims 2 Business Lots, Community Lots, Residential Lots, University Lots, Vacation Lots
Grid-Adjuster Tutorial: How to Attach a Garage to a Lowered Foundation

This tutorial shows how to attach a garage to a "lowered foundation" - or, actually, ANY foundation - with the Grid-Adjuster

The Sims 2 Miscellaneous
How to Make Maxis Rebuilds/Remodels Permanent

Have you ever remodeled a Downtown Lot - made everything perfect for you simmies to enjoy - and then lost your hood somehow? Now you have to start over... and

The Sims 2 Miscellaneous, Programs & Utilities
Grid-Adjuster Tutorial for Basic 2-Click Foundations and/or Flat Roofs

This tutorial gives the Basic settings to use in the Grid-Adjuster to create 2-Click Foundations, 2-Click Flat Roofs, and a Combination of both.

Theme: Shopify Lite