Broken Pottery ~ TerrainPaint in 6 Color Variations
This "Broken Pottery" TP/TerrainPaint was created for TS2 by CatherineTCJD of Sims Virtual Realty and MTS.
It comes in a variety of 6 color options.
They are found in the 'TerrainPaint' section for $1 each.
I think these would go great with the potters wheel... Watch where you step! Have fun with these and get creative! I can't wait to see how you use them.
Other Uploads By CatherineTCJD:
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11 Maxis-Matching "Swiss Cross: Plywood" parquet floors, in 2 size options. ;)
Japanese Dyed Textile Wallpapers: 2-story-able Walls - a set of 6 walls
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Dyed Textile Wallpapers.
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Project: Homes of Character, 1912
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Two Cowhide Carpets: Patchwork and Luxe ~ in 6 natural colors and 3 Sizes
by CatherineTCJD
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