Hire Services
Uploaded Jan. 29, 2025, 9:33 p.m.
Updated Jan. 31, 2025, 5:55 p.m.
This mod was made for sims-plycat. Thank you for allowing this to be shared publicly!
Tired of that Teppanyaki grill uselessly taking up space on your community lots? What about the DJ booth standing miserably in the corner of your dance club? Well, now you can hire sims in town to work at them!
This mod also fixes EA's glaring oversight in that you can now order food from the teppanyaki grill!
Update 31/01/25
- Hired DJs are no longer pushed to 'play for tips' which was preventing sims without the required skill from working. They will play the DJ booth regularly.
Update 30/01/25
- Should have fixed Selector script error.
- Showtime - For the DJ Booth
- The Store Teppanyaki Grill
If you have either of these object installed, the mod will work for you. You don't need both!
How to use:
- Click on the object
- Find the 'Hire Service...' menu & navigate to 'Hire Sim'
- Choose a worker from all teen+ residents or NPC Homeless sims.
- Choose the start time, end time and the wage
- Once the sim is hired, they'll come to work every day at the chosen times. You can fire/check their employee info. under the same 'Hire Service...' path.
During working hours, a check will be made every 30 minutes to check if the sim is working and to resolve their motives so they don't crash out.
Teppanyaki Grill
- The hired chef will fake cook until the day is over or until they are interrupted.
- Teen+ sims can order group/single teppanyaki servings while the chef is working. (The chef doesn't require the right cooking skill in order to fulfil the order)
- The worker isn't charged for any ingredients used while working, however a fridge is required to be on the lot so they can route to it and get the cooking tray.
DJ Turntable
- The hired DJ will play for tips.
- Homeless/Service sims will be automatically given DJ skill. You may need to make sure resident sims are at least level 0 before they can do this however.
- Other sims can request songs as usual
The download includes some documentation with a lil extra info. so feel free to refer to that.
- Made on version 1.67
- A new script mod so shouldn't conflict with anything
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