Rethinking old Hairstyles

Agnelid's avatar

by Agnelid

Uploaded March 8, 2024, 7:55 a.m.

Updated March 8, 2024, 7:55 a.m.

Socials: Tumblr

21 381 315

Peggy 312

  • Poly: 19.7K
  • Elimination of a large forehead and retexture
  • The mesh was difficult to get, so there are problems with transparency

SkySims 37

  • Poly: 13.1K
  • Elimination of a large forehead and retexture
  • Also eliminated flying strands

Peggy 453

  • Poly: 13.9K
  • Removed a lot of volume and strange hanging clump of hair

CoolSims 107

  • Poly: 10.8K
  • Slightly narrowed in the x direction and made a retexture
  • add morphs for fat and thin

SkySims 138

  • Poly: 15.6K
  • Elimination of a large forehead and retexture
  • Also eliminated flying strands
agnelid_Rethinking old 16.4 MB
1 year ago
Age: Gender:
148 109

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