Project: The Bus Manager

by Lyralei
Uploaded July 23, 2023, 4:40 p.m.
Updated Nov. 9, 2023, 1:54 p.m.
Bus manager [Testers wanted]
A mod I somewhat made on a whim! Though, I swear it was supposed to be part of the Interests & hobbies mod (Still working on that, I know it's been like 80 years since I shared anything on it).
(Idea by twinsimming as well) Chooses public transport - 11 - 0.25 subway, possibly bus; would be cool to choose a bus over a taxi, bus carpool. If I can, I’d love to also add some sort of ‘bus service’ to the game! But that’s yet to be seen if that’s doable and not too much work :) Source
Make sure to do the following setup!
- Put down a few bus stops
- Set zone (and assign bus stops)
- Bus should now spawn for that line
(6 Nov 2023:)
- Fixed an issue where the mod didn't save the zones properly.
- Fixed an issue where the zone could be empty, and therefore confusing the whole system.
- Fixed an issue where the zones (when they did actually save), would think that they had to be loaded the same way when switching worlds. (i.e, if Family A save file in Sunset Valley had bus stops, you then load Family B's save file, it would completely override what you had for Family B).
What can it do?
Quite a few things to fully have control over your bus services!
Bus Stops The king of the management. Not only can your sims just take a bus from these spots, it also comes with some helpful features!
NOTE: Before reading further, please place all the bus stops in your world first! Just for convience reasons :)
Set Zone:
This modal will also appear when you first place down a bus stop!
This will first pop up a dialog. If you haven't already added a zone, you will have to do this before the bus will even show up.
When creating a new zone, you can give it a name, or a number! This will make it so that your busses know exactly what bus stops to go off. So please don't call it the same name!
Once you've named your zone, OR have decided to 'edit' a zone, you'll see this:
This modal will show all the bus stops in the world, and, if applicable, what zone they're already assigned for.
From here, you can override the zone the bus stop is assigned to, assign the actual zone to a bus stop... or just to view your zones and their bus stops 😉
If you just made your first zone and just assigned the bus stops you want for this zone, you should now see the bus spawn!
Remove Zone:
Doing exactly what it says on the Tin ;) Removes the zones (and assigned bus stops) from that bus line. Additionally, it will remove the bus as well. This can be good if you're having issues with the mod and need some resetting.
Take bus:
It would be a bit of a useless mod, if your sim couldn't take the bus! :p once you click on this, you'll see a small popup showing where your sim could go within the line/zone. From there, you can always transfer to another bus. (this isn't automatically though)
Note: - Sims won't automatically take the bus. This is something I'm trying to do - NPCs won't take the bus as of now either... Even though the code is there and the ITUN file, they just refuse... shakes fist at stubborn NPCs
The Bus:
This is the star of the mod, the bus! Its being is quite simple: Drive around 24/7, pick sims up that are waiting at the bus stop and plop any sims out that finally got to their stop!
Check Bus Route:
Wondering if your bus is actually coming? Or just a quick glance on what the bus stops on that line were again? This is the interaction that will show you that:
Note: The reason you see Central Park twice on this picture, is because once it reaches the end of the line, and then starting over again, it double drives to those entries. I couldn't really get it to work properly to get it to skip that one... But you don't really notice it in game honestly.
Tunable options:
Coming VERY Soon!
Massive thanks to:
Before putting it on more public testing, I had other people try it out, so I'd like to thank them! :)
- Norn
- Twinsimming
- Desiree-UK
- Bietjie
- riverianepondsims
And the TS3 Creator Cave discord for their help! :)
And of course, Fresh Prince and Sandy/AroundTheSims for making the CC pieces to begin with. Without this, it would've taken super long to even get it to a releasable state!
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