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Four Leaf Parquet Floors ~ 9 Floors in Maxis Matching Woods

Uploaded Sept. 11, 2023, 1:54 a.m.

Updated Sept. 11, 2023, 1:54 a.m.

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

29 193 137

These floors were created for TS2 by CatherineTCJD of Sims Virtual Realty and MTS.

Here are 9 "Four Leaf" parquet floors in different combinations of Maxis-Matching woods, and in 2 size options.

These floors are found in the 'wood' floor category for $19 each.
...a color swatch is included and the files are all properly named.

Here's how they look in-game...

Thank you Michelle, for the MaxisMatching color/hex codes! ;)
Enjoy! :luff:

Tags: Flooring: #Wood
Rooms: Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Kids Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Office, Outdoor

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