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1 year, 7 months ago
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Bella's Dress Sewing Table 11.2 KB
1 year, 7 months ago
Age: Gender:
61 58

Bella's dress but re-imagined! (Now sewing-table compatible!)

Lyralei's avatar

by Lyralei

Uploaded July 22, 2023, 1:33 p.m.

Updated July 22, 2023, 1:38 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

49 650 471

Hi guys!

This dress had been sitting in my projects folder for, what feels like decades. :p The reason was really because of the fact that it has a super small bug in that was incredibly easy to fix. But, you know, laziness... Life... you know the drill ;)


You can now use this dress with the Sewing table! ( If you already have this dress installed, simply get the sewing table compatible package. But do note, that this will now have a "hidden in cas" flag added to it. (which will show up again with the "Unlock outfits" cheat.)

If you just want the dress, just download the other package ;)

Bella's review: I used to say: "I'll stop wearing red when they make a redder colour" This is that moment!

Specifically made for Bella, but can obviously be worn by any sim! The idea I had was really just to have a better dress from the converted TS2 > TS3 one, and something that would feel like it could have been the ts3's Bella dress! Now, the corset idea was an inspired idea from this lovely TS2 Bella dress ! I didn't rip or stole the textures though, I merely drew them myself! :) And, this version has details on the underboob so you got more of a lovely corset-y feeling to it!

Speaking of boobs, Another issue I've always had with any Bella dresses were mainly that the side area was a bit 'too' revealing for me. Especially with some bigger bazoinks :p It just felt more like it would make the dress a touch unrealistic, so I tried fixing this myself with this dress! :) It was easier said than done, but done well though!

It comes with 2 versions. Both have slight alterations done the "darker band". One is your good old traditional Bella dress, the other a more modernised version. Both are merged in the preset versions!

TECHNICAL BITS: - Category: Everyday, Formal. - Gender: Female - Age: Young adult, Adult. - Morphs: Normal, Thin, Fat, Fit. (This dress has no maternity morph) - Channels: 2, on both versions. Dress part and the band (See images) - Type: Full body dress

Notice: The dress looks a bit blurry in-game in my pictures but that's really due to the fact that I don't happen to have a HQ mod in my version of the game :) If you do have an HQ mod, then hopefully it will be sharper!

Polygon Counts: - LOD 0: 11.466 - LOD 1: 5.736 - LOD 2: 2.808

Additional Credits: S3PE
The sims 3

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