Shaving Mod - Shave and Grow Body Hair

Uploaded March 8, 2025, 11:29 a.m.

Updated March 8, 2025, 4:42 p.m.

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11 171 115

Update 8/3/25

  • Sorry! Day 1 Patch - I forgot to include twinsimming's shaving cream package in the download. It's now in the .rar file!


2 types of razors: electric and disposable.

  • They can be purchased through electronics/misc, bathroom/accent, or from the supermarket RH.
  • Disposable razors have a max. 3 uses before expiring.
  • Electric razors may break and need repairing.
  • Only disposable razors can be used in the shower.


  • Sims can shave off their beards using the sink! A full shave lasts for 72 hours - stubble will grow back 1 day prior to this.
  • Sims can also shave their beard into a style.
  • Sims can also shave their legs in the shower.

Other features

Some sims may nick themselves while shaving. The sims in question will have at least one of the following attributes:

  • traits: clumsy, absent minded, childish
  • buffs: sleepy, bad nights sleep, exhausted, dazed
  • age: teenager

About beard styles

The types of beards available are determined through the Beard Config XML in the mod's main package file. You can add your own beards, if they happen to have a CASP name, and also determine which of the beards may be chosen as stubble.

Known Issues

Sadly, I couldn't get all beards to play nice with the mod. The two EA beards 'amBeardMoustache' and 'amBeardMoustacheStubble' as shown in the LAST screenshot (though I recognise that I have default replacements so maybe the screenshot isn't helpful lol) will not grow back once shaved or be applied to the sim when chosen as a style. As such, I have removed them from the beard XML and you will not see them in the drop-down like in the screenshot. From my knowledge, these are the only two beards that act as such.


  • Recommendations: @nectar-cellar beard cc . Kitt Trapping Beards.
  • Special thanks: @twinsimming for providing the shaving cream overlay which she converted. Those who helped to test the mod @desiree-uk @its-time-o-clock @puffkins2000 and any others who tested but did not reveal themselves.
  • Tuning: There are tuneable values in the XML.
  • Uninstallation: You can use the cheat 'uninstallshaving' to safely clear the mod data before removing from your mods folder.


I do not use NRaas Dresser anymore so I'm unsure how how fervently it will try to add body hair to sims when enabled. Please keep this in mind if you see oddities.

Tags: Electronics: #Misc | Global Scripts: | Scripted Objects:
Rooms: Bathroom
PhoebeJaySims_Shaving.rar 784.5 KB
1 day, 13 hours ago
Age: Gender:
77 73

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