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Chloe's tattoo BOTH - 218.0 KB
1 year, 6 months ago
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~Chloe’s tattoo~

Lyralei's avatar

by Lyralei

Uploaded July 20, 2023, 8:27 p.m.

Updated July 20, 2023, 8:28 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

37 399 309

For some of you who follows the story, you might know that Lynn has a tattoo, but It’s actually Chloe’s tattoo since I loved it since the beginning of Episode 1. I decided to put it up for download, since this was an actual private download for the story.


• Should be found in the skin category list. This is a overlay skin so it won’t harm or replace your default skin with this one.

• The skin is for Teen, Young adult, Adult, and Elder.


• Can be found in the sock catergory (just like Accessory tattoos)

• Is available for: Naked, Everyday, Formal, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic and Outerwear.

• Available for Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder


Textures are by DontNod and edits by me.

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