LeahLillith Shine 4t2 in Io Textures
Uploaded Aug. 28, 2023, 5:38 a.m.
Updated Jan. 18, 2024, 5:47 p.m.
LeahLillith Shine 4t2
- Shown in Cesium (M, left) & Cannonball (F, right)
- Unisex, Child-Elder
- Polycounts: 9941 (F), 10029 (M)
- Io's edit of Pooklet's V3 textures
- 36 colors (12 natural & 24 unnatural), naturals binned but not familied
- Base texture included for recolorists
- Mesh: LeahLillith (TS4), Eir (4t2), Digi (lower poly & original spikes restored)
- Textures: Io, Pooklet
- Colors: Pooklet, Io, Lilith, Digi, & Furbyq
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