dark-side-princess's Project:
Mipmas Advent 2023

Gifts I made for my friends on Discord throughout December 2023!
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Our Solemn Hour (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
Gelydh's alpha tattered dress with boots for CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal. 9 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
One-Way Love Affair (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
Corinne's Psycho Punkabilly dress in 2 styles for CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal. 20 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Hi-Res Paint Walls & Ceilings (Pooklet's Unnaturals)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
iCad's Hi-Res Paint Walls & matching ceilings in 59 of Pooklet's unnatural colors.
3t2 SP05 RoBow (Curly & Twists)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
3t2 SP05 RoBow in Nymphy's curls and Trapping's twists. F, all ages, 3929 polys, 36 colors with patterned bows.
4t2 Penguin TV in 16 Colors
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
16 bright and pastel recolors of Klaartje's cute 4t2 penguin TV. FreeTime or base game compatible mesh options.
Amaryll's Slit Dress (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
Amaryll's slit dress for CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal. 12 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Robokitty Half Braided in TS3 Wildfire Textures
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
Robokitty's Half Braided with TS3 Wildfire afro textures. F & M, all ages, 8505 polys, 36 colors.
Gelydh's Pinup Capris for Dummy Thicc with Bosie & Azaya's textures
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
LetoMills' Dummy Thicc conversion of Gelydh's Pinup Capris outfit with Bosie's "Lilian" and Azaya's "Dancing" textures. 18 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Hi-Res Paint Walls & Ceilings (Kinu's Vaporwave pastels)
Project: Mipmas Advent 2023
by dark-side-princess
iCad's Hi-Res Paint Walls & matching ceilings in Kinu's Vaporwave palette.