dark-side-princess's Project:
Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023

A collection of CC I made for Halloween 2023. Includes Sherahbim's vampire gowns converted for bodyshapes I use & recolors, and 4 assorted hairs.
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Blood Ties (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Momma Lisa)
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Sherahbim's Vamp Gown 1 with Sentate's Lilith pumps for CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Momma Lisa. 12 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Demise and Recreation (AF TF, CPU, Vol Gal, & Dummy Thicc)
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Sherahbim's Vamp Gown, Vamp Gown 2, & Gothic Gown on SimAges mesh for AF (+bonus TF), CPU, Vol Gal, & Dummy Thicc. 13 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Unholy Choir (AF, CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal)
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Sherahbim's Vamp Gown 3 with Corinne's heels for AF, CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal. 13 recolors, Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Creeping Shadows (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Momma Lisa)
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Sherahbim's Vamp Gown 4 & Curvy Witch for CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Momma Lisa. Maxis hands or smooth hands.
Newsea Crow Streaked in Io Textures
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
24 streaked recolors of Newsea Crow in Io's edit of Pooklet's V3 textures. F, all ages, 11989 polys.
Peggy 6526 in Io Textures
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Peggy 6526 retextured in Io's edit of Pooklet's V3 textures. F, all ages, 11732 polys, 36 colors with different tie color combos.
WickedSims Bellatrix Hair in Nymphy Textures
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
WickedSims Bellatrix Hair retextured by Nymphy with curly textures. TF-EF, 1960 polys, 36 colors.
Amasims 34 with Nymphy Textures
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Amasims 34 in Nymphy's curly textures. TF-EF, 5626 polys, 36 colors.
Princess of Fate - Wall Writing with Deception IV : Blood Ties main theme lyrics
Completed Project
Project: Spooky Scary Spectacular 2023
by dark-side-princess
Lyrics from "Princess of Fate" (the main theme song of Deception IV: Blood Ties) on Aikea Guinea's Half-Height Wall Writing.