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Adventglow day 6- Peggy Donate 18 & 20

Project: Adventglow 2024

Uploaded Dec. 6, 2024, 10:47 p.m.

Updated Dec. 6, 2024, 10:47 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr Instagram

2 31 28


  • Peggy Donate 18 long bangs alpha, PM-EM, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, and 9 unbinned unnaturals, 1826 poly.
  • Peggy Donate 20 long bangs alpha, PF-EF, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, and 9 unbinned unnaturals, 1822 poly.
  • Peggy Donate 18 choppy bangs alpha, PM-EM, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, 9 unbinned unnaturals and 1 unbinned rainbow custom, 1826 poly.
  • Peggy Donate 20 choppy bangs alpha, PF-EF, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, 9 unbinned unnaturals and 1 unbinned rainbow custom, 1822 poly.

I guess this is technically four versions of one hair? Peggy made a few different alphas for these, but I only did 2. The rainbow custom is based off some Harajuku styles, I know it's not going to be for everyone but consider it a fun bonus

Credits: Peggy for the meshes and original textures, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions!

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