Adventglow day 8- Peggy free 3, 4, 8 + Raon F030
Project: Adventglow 2024
by katsurin
Uploaded Dec. 8, 2024, 9:13 p.m.
Updated Dec. 8, 2024, 9:13 p.m.
- Peggy free 8, PF-EF, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family + 1 alternative family, 2150 poly.
- Raon F030, PF-EF, Afterglow blended with Raon textures, 1 afterglow family + 1 alternative family, 2356 poly.
- Peggy free 3, CF-EF, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, and 9 unbinned unnaturals, 1814 poly.
- Peggy free 4, CM-EM, Afterglow blended with Peggy textures, 1 afterglow family, 1 alternative family, and 9 unbinned unnaturals, 1814 poly.
Free 8 has to be my favourite accessory style on my list, its so fun and cute. F030 has a completley reworked alpha by myself, as I wasn't a huge fan of the flat textured curls. The new straight and shorter alpha ended up really reminding me of Buffy, plus the clip is very pretty. Free 3 and 4 are janky as you'd expect hairs of those age to be, they very narrowly avoided the bin aha
Credits: Peggy and Raon for the meshes and original textures, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions!
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