Chance To Learn Teen Hangout

Uploaded Feb. 23, 2025, 11:56 p.m.

Updated Feb. 23, 2025, 11:56 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr

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Teen Sims now have a chance to learn about the teen hangout in town when chatting with another teen in person or on the phone!

Did you know that there's a mechanic in the game with which your teen Sim can learn the current teen hangout in town from another teen? Probably not, because silly EA set the chance to learn this to 0. This tiny tuning mod will enable this function in your game!

Tuning info
This mod edits the LotManager xml. It includes the following tuning:

  • kNumDaysToChangeTeenHangout value= 21 > 7. The number of days between changing teen hangouts. 21 days is way too long, especially considering the game can pick any community lot, including ones with rabbit holes.
  • kTeenHangoutAdvertisingMultiplier value= 10 (unchanged). Scoring multiplier for interactions for teens to go to the teen hangout lot. Higher values didn't seem to make a difference.
  • kVenueCleanupTime value= 3 > 5. Hour of day community lots will be cleaned up each day. Changed to 5 for compatibility with Nadira's Venues Open 10 to 4 mod. It also just makes more sense in my opinion.
  • kChanceToLearnTeenHangoutWhenChatting value= 0 > 35. Chance for teen to learn about teen hangout lot when chatting with another teen in person or on the phone. This is the most important changed value. Now your teen Sims will be able to receive a notification telling them where the current teen hangout is.

Extra info
Teen hangouts get assigned regardless of whether you use this mod or not. This mod just allows you to find out where the teen hangout is. The interaction that can trigger the notification is 'chat', either in person or on the phone. I could not find any information anywhere about this functionality, except for this thread. In my experience it may take a bit for your game to assign a teen hangout in a new save.

This mod overrides the following resource: 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0xBEBB040D5D8FA44F. If you like me use Nadira's Venues Open 10 to 4 mod, then make sure to place this mod's package into your Overrides folder. You can also open her package with s3pe and delete the conflicting resource.

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