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I want to believe posters ALL (1).zip 819.0 KB
1 year, 7 months ago
102 99

~I want to believe Posters~

Lyralei's avatar

by Lyralei

Uploaded July 20, 2023, 9:46 p.m.

Updated July 20, 2023, 9:48 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

41 597 493

I still had this one somewhere hiding in my drafts for months! But today I just thought it would be good to share it with you guys.


The poster will come with two versions that are both seen in The-x-files. Yep there were two! Which actually made me do this in the first place because I couldn’t find the very first version of that poster for the sims 3, just the second one.

Where can I find them? Right under Paintings of course! And only costs 15 simoleons!

Show me the mystery of the different versions, Green! Here you go:


Unless you meant where to find them in the series. It’s right in the episode ‘Pilot’ and right in the shot where we see Mulder’s office for the first time. And later on it seemed to have magically changed into the version we know right now.

*All credits goes to the x files. *


That’s it! Please tell me if you encounter any issues with it!

Rooms: Bedroom, Bedroom, Office, Office

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