WhyHelloSims Movie Posters 4t2 on TSS Hollywood Poster
Project: Build/Buy
Uploaded Feb. 21, 2024, 4:18 a.m.
Updated Feb. 21, 2024, 4:18 a.m.
apparently I have absolutely no self control, because @whyhellosims posted these like 4 hours before I converted them.
These renders/posters were stunning, and I saw them when they were just being posted as renders and thought "hmm those would be excellent in game..... then they posted them as CC for ts4 😂
anyways. 6 Simlish movie posters by WHS on the Teen Style Stuff Hollywood Poster. I might eventually put these on another mesh too, cause I've noticed people don't really use the TSS meshes.
but oh well. I think they'd probably go really well on the Artig Mesh as well.... 🤔 Anyways, all credit goes to @whyhellosims. I just sized them to fit on this mesh.
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