potentialfate's Project:
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Simlish Spirit Board - 4t2 DesertBloom Conversion
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
a 4t2 deco object for your goulishly inclined sims.
Duo Baby Cowplant - 4t2 Zxta Conversion
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
a mini deco cowplant
University Treadmill Modern Retexture
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
a complete retexture for the university treadmill.
Lost Hollow Modern Tarot Deck
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
Lost Hollow Modern Tarot Deck. just a deco item. New mesh, polycount is 981. Available in deco-misc for $80.
Audrey Storage Bench
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
A simple storage bench. it has two slots, and the seat fits with the pop-a-squat omsp so with it, you could have sims sit on it.
Reza Afshar Art on Gearfitti
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
pretty much what it says on the tin. it's this artists work on the BG mesh Gearfitti (AL Painting)
Collage Posters - Sports
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
A series of sports themed recolors of the TSS collage posters
U R HERE - RossArt Recolors
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
RossArt paintings on the U R HERE mesh from freetime
Quarter Moon Wall Art
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
New Mesh, low poly -- wooden moon wall art
WhyHelloSims Movie Posters 4t2 on TSS Hollywood Poster
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
6 4t2 movie posters converted onto a TSS mesh
Deco Item: Cards Against Humanity (simlish)
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
a simple deco item for your sims if they also like the classic party game, Cards Against Humanity.
Satinistic Loveseat Recolors - Default and Custom
Project: Build/Buy
by potentialfate
4 recolours of the Base Game value sofa.