One-Way Love Affair (CPU, Vol Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Ren Gal)

Project: Mipmas Advent 2023

Uploaded Jan. 11, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Updated Jan. 11, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

15 243 163

Corinne's Psycho Punkabilly dress for Classic Pinup, Voluptuous Gal, Dummy Thicc, & Renaissance Gal with 20 recolors.

  • YA-AF, all morphs
  • Maxis hands (2008 polys) or smooth hands (3816 polys)
  • Corinne's original, 6 from Pooklet's Project Goose set, & 13 of Izza's Black Sheep leopard recolors
  • Everyday only
  • BSOK'd
  • All recolors repo'd to required file labeled TEXTURES
  • AF versions repo'd to same file included for convenience (with non-BSOK'd option)

- Original mesh: Corinne
- Bodyshape conversions & smooth hands added by me
- Bodyshapes: Warlokk, Digi; WSOs by Digi & Lifa
- Smooth hands: Tenshii~Akari
- Textures: Corinne, Pooklet, Izza 6.8 MB
11 months, 1 week ago
Age: Gender:
33 25

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