4t3 Snowy Escape - Teen / Adult School Uniforms
Project: 4t3 Conversions
by Ameriko
Uploaded Sept. 4, 2023, 5:46 a.m.
Updated Sept. 4, 2023, 5:46 a.m.
A sort of Part 2 to my children's uniforms conversions, here are the teen and adult versions of the gakuran and the blazer uniforms from Snowy Escape!
I have separated the blazer and the skirt for the females in order to avoid being confined into 4 channels, as well as to allow for more mix and matching! All are enabled for everyday, formal, career, and outerwear categories.
As with last time, first preset has golden buttons as an overlay, the second has black, and the third has no overlay--still on the multiplier, though
The skirt has three masks! The body of the skirt and the waistband are two channels, but the second preset has a third channel for one line trim near the bottom, and the third has two trim lines!
Basically, enjoy! I'm happy with how these came out. No dull buttons for the gakuran! I might go back and fix that issue with the child's version...
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by Ameriko
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