[ WIP]: Lyralei's Pose Player Addon Fixes!

Project: Lyralei's Pose Addon

Lyralei's avatar

by Lyralei

Uploaded Nov. 16, 2024, 11:02 p.m.

Updated Nov. 16, 2024, 11:02 p.m.

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[ WIP]: Lyralei's Pose Player Addon Fixes!

All credit for the original Pose Player Addon goes to VirtualArtisan/Misukisu ! This mod is simply an enhancement to their amazing work, building on the foundation they created.


Ages ago, @nocturnalazure sparked a discussion about Pose Player Addon. While the current changes may not fully align with her original ideas, I wanted to share what I’ve been working on so far! 😊

Side Note: Noctie,when I first wrote that, I didn’t actually have a Sim I wanted to pose like that yet, but lately I've been trying to and it's SO FRUSTRATING! Argh! :p . So rest assured, I’m definitely looking into adding this feature now!


Current Features

  1. It will now remember what poses your sim has done this gameplay session! This way, you can re-pose them into a pose they did 5 poses before the current one.


Poses Are Now Automatically Sorted!

We all know how looooooong it can take when loading all the poses from pose list. So, what I've added, is the additional option to only show poses based off it's category!

🔧 How it works under the hood:

If you’re familiar with XML, you’ll pick this up in no time!

Each category (let’s use Emotion as an example) is associated with specific keywords. For instance, the Emotion category might include subcategories like Happiness, Sadness, Anger, etc.

Here’s what the XML for Happiness looks like:

Happiness happy, happiness, smile, smiled, smiling, laugh, laughed, laughing, jump, jumped, jumping, cheer, cheered, cheering, clap, clapped, clapping

As shown in the (highlighted in blue) keywords line, I’ve added a list of terms. These keywords help determine whether a pose belongs to the Happiness category. The script scans all installed poses and checks if their name, description, or pose key matches any of these keywords.

Of course, I’m still fine-tuning this feature, as some keywords (like jump ) can have different meanings depending on the context.

But without further ado, here it is in picture form!



Ignore the weapon poses, I still need to debug why that's being added, but overall, in this case, it's got "shyness" poses! :)


And the best part?

You can create your own custom categories, and the script will automatically detect them! 🎉

I’m currently working on some default categories for those who prefer a plug-and-play solution or don’t feel comfortable diving into the technical side of things. But if you enjoy customizing your workflow, the flexibility is all yours! 😊

What I'm adding before release:

  • Adding the option to seamlessly use both “look at” and “facial expression” together.
  • Adding the option to see the categorized lists, but for non-pose list poses.
  • Adding an in-game Category maker, so you don't have to edit the XML. It will mean you need to replace the XML file in S3PE yourself. But I can always make a quick How-To for guidance 😉
  • A better "look at" system. TS3 actually comes with a system where the sim can "look" at something by turning multiple sections of their bodies. Here's the full list: Torso ,Head, Eye. Currently Pose addon only allows Eyes to look at things.
  • Merge two poses together. This way you can use one pose that's specifically made for facial expressions, while the rest is handled by, say, that sitting pose you want to use!

... And of course anything else that sounds like a good idea by other pose player users! 😉