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6 months, 1 week ago
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Mods The Sims 3 Create-a-sim Clothing

4t3 Conversions: NitroPanic - 4t3 Suspender Dress w/ Tee (Version 2)

Ameriko's avatar

by Ameriko

Uploaded Nov. 12, 2023, 12:36 a.m.

Updated Nov. 12, 2023, 12:41 a.m.

13 238 203

Socials: Tumblr ModTheSims

Here's something quick before I resume my teen conversions :)

For Teen and Adult Females

Everyday, Formal, Career

Polycount: 13k

Valid for Maternity (Both TF and AF)

2 Channels

Looks weird in CAS! I had to get the poly and vert count down, so I actually did decimate it quite a bit... and it's still high. Unfortunately, I can see some verts split in the back during animations, but it's minor and not seen in the front. The fat morph is also dreadful.

The skirt's UV is also a circle, which you can see in the first preview with the pattern. I also lengthened the skirt because the original had the Sim's... behind sticking out, but it's still sort of short. I tried closing the gap... and I couldn't because of the weird topology; I recommend accessory underwear when sitting down.

Original Link

Before anyone asks, here are the hairs used: adult (left) / teen (right)

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