Now what’s so special and nice about those shoes is that I gave it a really nice specular map (which can be seen in the 3rd preset!) And I actually really love the bump map on those shoes!
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I’ve been playing the sims 2 pets stories for a few days now, and the moment I saw these flowerbed fences in-game I fell in love with them and that’s the story on why I converted this little fence! :D
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I’m one of those people who could literally watch a snowglobe for hourssss. Soooo that’s the main reason why I made some more snowglobes! I did used the Mortimer and Bella snowglobe as a base though…(And tweaked some stuff so the glass looks kinda different compared to the Mort and Bella one)
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This is a overlay skin, which means that it will overlay your default replacement skin. So… see it as an Accessory tattoo.
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Here you go! 3 pieces of CC clothing! The flennel hoodie, a oversized sweater for those cold days, and a coat inspired by this
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This entire conversion took me about 2-3 months! So just keep in mind, before storming my inbox to make more stuff, Yes. I am done!
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From far and wide, Sims have been drawn to beautiful Belladonna Cove! Some are looking for a quiet place to settle down, others to tango with the hustle and bustle of the more exciting districts and a distinct few who have been drawn by rumors of mystical energies. Will they all be able to get along?
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I still had this one somewhere hiding in my drafts for months! But today I just thought it would be good to share it with you guys.
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Anyway! This is just a fixed version of @champs-les-sims tuning mod! Because the value was set as a negative number, the sim would gain weight. If it is positive, it means your sim will lose weight.
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Tired of low poly-counted ducks? Or just want something cute to replace your seven years old bath toy? Or can’t you just say goodbye to the old one but also want the new one? All possibilities are here!
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