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The Sims 3 Feed

Project: Old/Unsupported Mods
Flying TARDIS (Doctor Who)
by Nyami

Time And Relative Dimension In Space!

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Project: Old/Unsupported Mods
Clara Oswald's Bowtie Top (Doctor Who)
by Nyami

As seen in "The Time of the Doctor".

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Project: Old/Unsupported Mods
Time Lord Set (Doctor Who)
by Nyami

A cap and two collars for your Time Lords.

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Hobbies & Skills
Project: Old/Unsupported Mods
Functional Magic Wands (Sailor Moon)
by Nyami

Transformation Pens, Star Power Sticks and a Cutie Moon Rod!

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Present Day, Maxis Related, Drama
Project: Life Is Sunniest In Sunset Valley
Chapter 2
by Lyralei

The goths make room for Agnes' griefing and Mortimer meets a new friend.

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by Lyralei

Morgana! Now in gshade ;)

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Gshade tests
by Lyralei

Gshade! I'm pretty late to the gShade group. I've done reshade befor

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Bug fix round!
by Lyralei

Just a heads up! I'm currently going to pause all my current projects, and focus on my older ones,

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