Fawnbrook Lane ~ based on a RL MCM house in Connecticut
Uploaded Jan. 27, 2024, 4:01 p.m.
Updated Jan. 27, 2024, 4:01 p.m.
Fawnbrook Lane
RL Mid-Century Modern
Built with a 2-Step Foundation and a No-Slope Basement (Made with the Grid-Adjuster.)
4+ bedrooms - 3.5 bathrooms - garage - basement
lightly furnished & ready for you to decorate
Sufficeittosay/Anachronisims suggested this Zillow floor plan to me, the roof looked easy enough ...so I thought.
Grrrrr Those blasted TS2 roofs get me every time! But, I had to try...
The roof is not perfect - but it works (to keep out the rain and snow!) I recommend playing this one with the roof off. sigh
Please enjoy touring the rest of this design by scrolling through all the pictures.
I intentionally keep my builds lightly furnished - with only EAxis stuffeths - so that you can have all the fun of decorating it! (Please CC-it-up once you get it in your game!) All appliances, plumbing and lighting are included; along with smoke and burglar alarms, and telephones.
This is a clean copy of this house/lot; no sim has ever lived here. The package has been cleaned with Mootilda's Clean Installer.
There is parking for three vehicles; 1 in the garage, and 2 on the long driveway.
This is a pet-friendly build. No pet items are included, but there is plenty of room to add what you need. This house has a 2-step foundation - so if you want to allow large dogs inside, they are going to need Simler90's Stair Mods to be able to access the 2-Step foundation.
Definitely used but NOT included:
Get these items if you want the house to look exactly as shown in the pictures.
- HugeLunatic's Backless Shower
No Custom Content Included
Lot Size: 40X40
Lot Price: $103,762
Thank you, Mootilda for the awesome Grid Adjuster tool used to make this lot.
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