Default: afbody dadatopjeans

Project: Default Replacements: Clothing

Uploaded Nov. 30, 2024, 6:05 a.m.

Updated Nov. 30, 2024, 6:05 a.m.

10 72 40

More defaults!~

AFBodyDadaTopJeans replaced with Yuxi's Tank Top Baggy Jeans.

(I don't think Yuxi's page exists anymore, but you can find their cc here)

All morphs*, this is a default replacement so you can only have one in game at a time, etc.

*I should also note, this has my edited fat-morph. Ginevra (white top) is wearing it above. Also probably like 90% of my stuff going forward will include this type of fat-morph instead. That being said, it's super easy to put the old one back, so if you'd prefer that, just let me know and I can upload that as an option.

originally posted in FEB2023

Tags: Clothing: #Default Replacement #Dresses & One-pieces #Everyday | Default Replacements:
DR_affb_dadatopjeans_pfate.rar 2.3 MB
1 month, 1 week ago
DLCs needed: H&M Fashion Stuff
Age: Gender:

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