
NS_uh_pinocchio_pfate_sunshine.rar 8.7 MB
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Age: Gender:
33 16

Newsea Pinocchio - Sunshine

Project: CAS - (Sunshine Hair)

Uploaded May 22, 2024, 9:11 p.m.

Updated May 22, 2024, 9:12 p.m.

13 145 122

I finally redownloaded blender so I have the urge to make hair retextures again!~

~~(do I need blender to do that? absolutely not. like at all. but I like testing my textures in blender to make sure they're up to my own impossible standards :) )~~

I still need to upload a bunch of stuff that's not on here yet, but it will wait, while I post new stuff instead!
ANYWAY, uh... I have like 5 new hairs so far with bunches of options like greying hair and unnaturals :3

Here's Newsea Pinocchio, originally converted by digi.

Newsea Pinocchio
- Both Frames
- All ages
- 11.4k Polys
- Naturals, and a dyed volatile (swatch above)

Other Uploads By potentialfate:

Anto Echo - Sunshine
Project: CAS - (Sunshine Hair)
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Anto Echo retextured in Sunshine textures.

Quarter Moon Wall Art
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by potentialfate

New Mesh, low poly -- wooden moon wall art

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afbodyJaneoverallboots and afbodylaraoveralls replaced with @platinumaspiration's 4t2 Sabrina outfit.

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Default for AMBodyPirate, and AMBodyRoyalJacket, both replaced with mdpthatsme's Vest Victorian.

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Project: CAS - (Sunshine Hair)
by potentialfate

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Project: CAS - (Sunshine Hair)
by potentialfate

it's what it says on the tin. 4 separate Sunshine default replacements. the original textures were not done by me, all I've done is default them.