M&G hairs Afterglow texture defaults
Project: Afterglow defaults
by katsurin
Uploaded Sept. 2, 2024, 2:38 p.m.
Updated Sept. 2, 2024, 2:38 p.m.
so yep, there it is, the last SP. I may do some store hairs too, but I’m not keen on all of them. For longbangs I actually used Io’s version as a base, as it’s so dang pretty. That does mean that this replacement doesn’t just contain texture resources, but also Io’s fixed bones GMDC. Atreya made a fix that relinks the families of various ages of some of these hairs, I’m not including it here but that may be something you want to use potentially. Also, I’m not sure why dreadsband is called that when its clearly braids, aha. Shoutout to Gwenupdo for only having one alpha group.
hairlongbangsep9 hairgwenupdo hairaline hairearhat hairdreadsband (both genders, replaces all band colours) hairachilles hairdavid hairrealcloud
Additional credits: maxis for the meshes and textures, JA for their pooklet defaults which I used as bases, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions!
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