A Small Batch of Halloween Treats

Uploaded Oct. 16, 2023, 2:03 a.m.

Updated Oct. 16, 2023, 2:03 a.m.

Socials: Tumblr Dreamwidth

23 201 134

Originally uploaded to Tumblr/Dreamwidth on October 31, 2019

I don’t have much since I got started too late, but everything is functional at least. I’ll just do the put the candy bowl out thing since I’d lose my shit with the porch light system. All is either TS4 conversions I did or edits of other’s TS3/TS4 conversions:

4T2 pan de muerto and separated spooky cookies as edible objects. They’re cloned from pizza slices. They’re found in appliances/misc.

4t2 Soloriya’s dark nights bedroom spiders as a ceiling lamp instead of plain deco like the original. Recolored in random Halloweenish colors.

3T2 crystal wand and 4T2 crystal broom turned into defaults for the witch/warlock wands and brooms with alignment-complimenting colors. The wand sits in the hand like the originals, unlike in the preview. I fixed the issue a while after the original uplad.

Known issues: Sim’s hands bleed into the brooms a bit, food will have to to be repurchased when you need to restock it in a sim-owned business (though I had Numenor's global mod for OFB shelves back when I tested this, may not be an issue if you don't have some form of that).

All files are compressed with included swatch and previews.

Credit to Shasta and Decat for their conversions since I don’t have TS3 and only have BG TS4.

Tags: Default Replacements: | Foods: | Halloween: | Lighting: #Ceiling Lamps | Miscellaneous:
Rooms: Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Kids Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Office


Simsanto Inc. Halloween 2019.7z 5.2 MB
1 year, 2 months ago
DLCs needed: Apartment Life

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