
Simsanto Inc. Leaf Drop Wallpaper.7z 1.8 MB
1 year, 2 months ago
14 13

Leaf Drop Wallpaper

In: Mods The Sims 2 Holidays & Themed Autumn +1 more

Uploaded Oct. 19, 2023, 11:09 p.m.

Updated Oct. 19, 2023, 11:09 p.m.

Socials: Tumblr Dreamwidth

22 185 117

I've been in a messing around with walls mood with TS2 lately and I've been wanting more things with trims that aren't white. I wanted to give making a new one a try and ended up with something fall themed and I guess simblreen-adjacent. I used a fall leaf pattern with the cluedo Williamsburg panels/trim in dark wood with a wall texture overlay from suratan. I recolored it with autumn valley colors from simsinlowspace . They're in the wallpaper section and cost $8. Unfortunately not Mac compatible since resizing the height to 512px made the texture blurry.

All files are compressed with included swatch and preview.

Leaf Texture is from Vecteezy

Tags: Autumn: | Walls: #Wallpaper
Rooms: Bedroom, Dining Room, Kids Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Office

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