Or well... just a makeover! What better than a makeover to start the new year :) About In the 11 years, I've been playing this game, this was the only
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Heya, everyone! A long waited feature obviously needs some content to work with! ;) Therefore I bring you two items to sew for toddlers through elders! :D As a person
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Update 29-04-2021: - French translation added! Thanks @SecretX ! A requested mod by a patreon! :) It's, as expected from reading the title, a journal! The object's description reads as
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Here she is! I will be honest, this is the first-ever ts4 sim I've ever actually put the effort in :p All of my simmies I made (that is IF
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Hi everyone! I really needed a small break from creating teddy bears and coding, so I decided to create a decorative Lightshaft! It really felt like we needed that in
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6 months ago, I decided to convert TS2's sewing table to TS3. But, as a decorative item, it just was... not that interesting! I had already done a few basic
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Hi everyone! I initially made this dress for TS3 (See https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=638359 ), but since I personally find TS4 a bit too short and just feels more like your casual "clubbing"
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Hi guys! (Looking for a TS4 version of this dress? See: Bella's dress TS3 to TS4 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/638540/bella-s-dress-ts3-to-ts4.html) ) This dress had been sitting in my projects folder for, what feels
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One might think: "Another snow mod?!?!" But this is merely a small upload for the ones who don't have interest in my snow mod (http://modthesims.info/d/634199/snow-but-better-snow-replacement-mod.html) but do want to have
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