Cosmic Harmony - 1 br, 1 ba + CC

by Lyralei
Uploaded July 22, 2023, 8:04 a.m.
Updated July 22, 2023, 8:16 a.m.
Hi all!
I spend the entire weekend creating a little lot for my sims, and thought it would be cool to share it, especially since it doesn't have that much CC at all! ^-^
The lot itself was actually meant for those sims who rather spend their spare time outside, sitting in their garden admiring the view of their cute little garden! It would make a great little witch hut as well as the lot has lots of plants and flowers which will keep your witch sims happy for a veeeery long time
Required CC but not included (Once you click on the file, you'll be able to download the required!)
- Wood Patterns by Armiel
- DIY Building set by Armiel
- OMSP by Granthes
- The Witcher 3 Ivy, Creepers decor plants + Skyrim herbs by Murfee (both The witcher plants and skyrim plants needed)
- The Witcher 3 Ornate set by Murfee (Only rugs needed)
- Flowerbed fence TS2 > TS3 by me
- Bughouse with actual bees! TS2 to TS3 by me
There's no CC included with this lot, in case you were wondering
Lot placement:
Sadly, the lot's not flat because I wanted to add some stairs to the garden, so the best spot to place it would be...
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