
Slower Friendship Mod

Uploaded Sept. 8, 2024, 1:43 p.m.

Updated Feb. 23, 2025, 10:46 a.m.

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Plumbobgothica's Slower Friendship Mod v1

I made this tuning mod for personal use, but I thought others might enjoy it too.

If you play on a long lifespan, friendship gains can feel way too fast, so I created this mod to slow things down in my own gameplay and make things more challenging.

I’ve also created a “Lite” version for players who want gentler changes.

Flavor 1: Slower Friendship

What I changed:

  • Positive social interactions give 150% less LTR gain.
  • Negative social interactions result in 75% less LTR loss. I initially reduced both by 150%, but that made negative interactions feel too weak. I still want them to feel impactful enough to matter in the moment, but I also didn't want one argument or hot-headed insult to ruin a relationship!
  • The charisma gain for social interactions has been reduced by 50%.
  • Time to reach "Old Friend" or "Old Enemy" status increased from 14 to 46 days to account for longer lifespans.

I made these changes with an longer lifespan in mind, so making and growing friendships/romantic relationships will take more time and effort. I also use Retuner to slow relationship decay, and Relativity for slower time.

Flavor 2: Slower Friendship Lite

In this version, the changes are less drastic and could be used on shorter lifespans.

What I changed:

  • Positive social interactions give 50% less LTR gain.
  • Negative social interactions result in 25% less LTR loss.
  • The charisma gain for social interactions has been reduced by 25%.
  • Social visits last 25% longer before being cut short by negative interactions.
  • No changes to "Old Friends" or "Old Enemies" tuning.

Flavor 3: Slower Friendship Epic Plus

More appropriate if you’re playing on epic + long lifespans and/or using Relativity to significantly slow down the passage of time in your game.

-Positive social interactions give 300% less LTR gain.

-Negative social interactions result in 150% less LTR loss.

-The charisma gain for social interactions has been reduced by 50%.

-No changes to social visits

-Length of time for someone to be considered “Old Enemies” or “Old Friends” changed from 14 days to 150 days. (which is 5 years on the lifespan I was playing on when I made this).

If you'd like to change the length of time it takes to become Old Friends/Enemies, you can open up the package in s3pe, then search for "Old Friends" and "Old Enemies" to find the values in the xml file.


This is a tuning mod that edits the Socializing XML, so would conflict with any mods that also edit that file.

Game version/Requirements

Made on game version 1.69. Should be base game compatible.


This is a .package file that goes into your Mods folder. Only pick one flavor to have in your game at time!

Terms of Use

Please do not claim as your own.


This mod works fine in my game, but take your usual precautions when installing new mods (i.e., always check for conflicts, make backups, etc.)


Only choose ONE flavor at a time.

This is my first time ever sharing one of my own tuning mods, so if anyone has any issues or thoughts, please do let me know. Like I said, I made this for myself/personal preferences, but I'm open to suggestions if people want different flavors! :)

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