Mods The Sims 2 Game Enhancements Default Replacements - 70 found
Default: afbody Pleatsoutfit // tfbody pleatsoutfit
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodypleatsoutfit (and the EP2 version) and tfbodypleatsoutfit replaced with @platinumaspiration's conversion of Rainy Day.
Default: afbottom SlinkySkirtBoots
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
AFBottomSlinkySkirtBoots replaced with @platinumaspiration 4t2 Skirt Maxi.
Default: afbodyShortRuffleDress // tfbodyDressWrapArm
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodyShortRuffleDress and tfbodyDressWrapArm defaulted with Deedee’s 3t2 Ruffle Dress
Castaway Stories: Platform Texture Replacements
Project: Castaway Stories Set: wall and foundation replacements
by Drifting away from SimCity
Platform texture replacement set for CS based on Maranatah's "Smack The Wall" set.
Castaway Stories: Foundation Texture Replacements
Project: Castaway Stories Set: wall and foundation replacements
by Drifting away from SimCity
Foundation texture replacement set for CS based on Maranatah's "Smack The Wall" set.
Castaway Stories: Wall Texture Replacements (conversion)
Project: Castaway Stories Set: wall and foundation replacements
by Drifting away from SimCity
Maranatah's "Smack The Wall" wall texture replacement set converted for CS.
Default: afbody dresslongloose
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodyDressLongLoose replaced with @platinumaspiration 's Sentate Messina Dress.
Default: afbody dressasymetrical
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodyDressAsymetrical replaced with @mdpthatsme DressTieShortened.
Default: afbody dresshalter
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodydresshalter, replaced with platinumaspiration's Sentate Beatrice​
Default: afbody dressabovekneehooded
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
AFBodyDressAboveKneeHooded replaced with @mdpthatsme’s Vee Back Jumper.
Default: afbody Snowbunny & ambody SideZipJacket
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodySnowbunny and ambodySideZipJacket replaced with Iosiren's Felt Mountain and Amaryll's Winter Sweater outfit.
Default: afbody Parkaboots & ambody Parkaboots
Project: Default Replacements: Clothing
by potentialfate
afbodyParkaboots and ambodyParkaboots replaced with @mdpthatsme 4t2 Snowsuit outfit.