Self-Control - Miniskirts with Wedges & Cyberboots (AF & CPU)
Uploaded Aug. 28, 2023, 4:57 p.m.
Updated Nov. 17, 2023, 6:58 p.m.
This skirt is one of my favorite TS2 clothing pieces ever. It was originally Gelydh's, then Ghanima Atreides shoeswapped it with wedges, and Kielen did a TF version with cyberboots.This is another Digital Devils collab - Digi converted Kielen's mesh to AF and then both skirts to CPU for me a few months ago when I was still scared of Milkshape 😆
There's an assortment of different textures on these from various creators:
- Ghanima's original
- Yuichen's "Things Unsaid" & "Rest in Pieces"
- one with belts by Azaya
- Solid & patterned with Nilou's textures
- Azaya's underbust dress with textures by Datapeach (solid & patterned)
I had to remove the suspenders on the underbust dress for CPU because of boob stretchage so they're actually high-waist skirts. I didn't repo anything because of that texture difference, and also because I doubt anyone other than me is going to use ALLLL of them in their game (with both bodyshapes the total number of recolors is a whopping 82).
- YA-AF, all morphs
- Polycounts are 860 (wedges), 984 (boots)
- Everyday only
- BSOK'd or tooltipped
- Meshes: Gelydh, Ghanima Atreides (wedges), Kielen (boots), Digi (AF boots, CPU boots & wedges, morphs on AF wedges)
- Textures: Ghanima, Gelydh, Nilou, Datapeach, Azaya, Yuichen
- Stockings & tights: Chokolat, Digi, Gelydh, Hayny, Imadako, Lauppi, Lemonlion, SGND, Trillyke, Troubador, Twinksimstress, Xandher (most I grabbed from this accessory box by themeasureofasim & itsdiamondeyesuniverse)
- Color actions: Huning, Kinu, Pooklet, CuriousB
- Patterns:
-appleyards, andrea_lauren, b0rwear, borderlines, byre_wilder, lianepineldesigns, spookishdelight, tazalynsilvercatdesigns @ Spoonflower
-Praxicalidocious @ Colourlovers
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