Random Recolors
by Simsanto Inc
Uploaded May 20, 2024, 2:30 a.m.
Updated May 20, 2024, 2:30 a.m.
I felt like making colorful electronics and a couple of other things but am just uploading them together to not have to make separate posts. I did make a couple of edits so it's technically not 100% recolors only.
Electronics are in Deatherella's fruit punch colors:
BG Cyberchronometer alarm clock. The functional alarm clocks are pretty useless but at least they can be used as deco.
H&M Register biscuit number cruncher
Veranka's 3t2 EP 09 Computer conversion
Veranka's 3t2 Bayside PlasmaTron TV conversion
Shakeshaft's Phone-tastic phones. I repo'd the table phone to the wall phone and edited the wall shadow for the wall phone.
The other two objects are in Shasta's pushing daisies colors:
Jacky93's 4t2 ats wall trash bin conversion. I edited the mapping of the paper trash part to not stretch as much and also enabled them for residential. I also included a version with the newspaper texture replaced by an edit of the ts2 newspaper.
Tvickie's 4t2 Round bench good wood conversion. I made a retexture with a wood I found in the program files since I generally don't like ts4 mm wood. I also included a version that replaces the textures in the mesh files with recolors of my texture similar to the original colors. Swatch
All files are compressed with included swatches, meshes, and previews. I renamed the tv and computer mesh files to remove special characters.
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