Nouk Lolita hair + Alpha edits in Afterglow
When I did this mesh in Pooklet textures, I only did the original alpha, but there’s a few alphas and variations out there, so I did a few more this time!
- Nouk Lolita hair, all ages, 3604 polys
- Nouk Lolita hair Zesta02 Zoen alpha
- Nouk Lolita hair Zesta02 Short alpha
The original alpha + Zesta02’s ‘Zoen’ alpha + Zesta02’s short alpha (slightly edited the side bangs to be shorter for more variety). All have one binned natural family in one package, plus 8 unbinned afterglow customs. Then there’s a couple of families of binned streaked customs: for the original alpha, I pinched spell-bloom’s idea of doing coloured side bangs modeled on horusmenhosetix’s Ava Cadavra retexture, but added more colours to make it a family (black x lavender, brown x dark red (pictured), blond x mint, red x pink). Then I borrowed MrsM'Quvelink’s streaked version, moved the scalp streaks to fit my texture, and made a family based on those (black x darkred (pictured), brown x mint, blond x teal, red x green). Fully compressorized, labelled, mesh is included in the zips.
credits: Nouk for the mesh, Zesta02 for the additional alphas, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions!
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