4t2 Penguin TV in 16 Colors

Project: Mipmas Advent 2023

Uploaded Jan. 16, 2024, 12:29 a.m.

Updated Jan. 16, 2024, 12:31 a.m.

14 144 120

4t2 Penguin TV in 16 colors

"But Fia," you say, "I thought you didn't like TS4 objects!" There are exceptions - I don't usually like them because they look like chunky plastic, but if the thing is supposed to be made out of chunky plastic, it may get a pass. And if I ever say no to anything involving penguins, send help because something is very wrong.

There are 2 versions of the mesh, one that requires FreeTime and one that's base game compatible, so make sure to only choose one.


Mesh: EAxis, Klaartje (4t2)
Colors: Kinu, Huning, & Pooklet

Tags: Electronics: #TV
Rooms: Bedroom, Kids Room, Living Room, Office


Fia_4t2PenguinTV.zip 1.4 MB
11 months ago
19 19

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