Unnatural Recolors of Lilith’s Marigold Skin
by Simsanto Inc
Uploaded Oct. 16, 2023, 1:45 a.m.
Updated Oct. 16, 2023, 1:45 a.m.
Originally uploaded to Tumblr/Dreamwidth on October 18, 2019
I made these for personal use the same time almost 2 years ago when I made the eye recolors I posted yesterday. Yet again I fulfilled my crayola sim desires with dozens of unnatural recolors, except with more colors, many more textures, and much more frustration. I wanted colors that weren’t neons or colors I frequently use so I used some of the hanakotoba colors, part of a palette from Inzey. Then I somehow managed to run out of colors so I had to pull the majority of them out of my ass. The grayscale are geneticized from light to dark then the others are gen’d based on hue value.
Known issue- darker colors are a bit pixelated. I would’ve loved to have made very dark recolors, but the pixelation was unbearable at that point.
All files are compressed (or download folders would implode) with included unbleeped preview and swatch (with genetic values). There's a choice of download of either geneticized only or geneticized and townified.
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