katsurin's Project:

Helaene brow bundle


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Facial Hair
Helaene brow bundle part 1 in Afterglow naturals
Completed Project
Project: Helaene brow bundle
by katsurin

I recoloured a bunch of the TS2 brows that Helaene reuploaded here in Afterglow naturals! One family in one package each. These 13 are part 1 of two ^^

Facial Hair
Helaene brow bundle part 2 in Afterglow naturals
Completed Project
Project: Helaene brow bundle
by katsurin

Part 2/2 of the Helaene brow bundle! I didn't cover every single brow Helaene reuploaded, and honestly might've not found them all in the upload, aha.