InfiniteIterations's avatar
The Sims 2 Personal Post
Posted April 10, 2024, 1:57 a.m. - updated: April 10, 2024, 1:57 a.m.
Oh Hey, It's Me

Some of you will know me from tumblr as InfiniteSimblr and Garden of Shadows as InfiniteIterations. I am also here now, so this is my obligatory intro post.

I will mostly post hair retextures and recolors here, with the occasional object recolor and Homecrafter creation peppered in, at least if I can ever get my game to accept the fact that I will need to take more than one shapshot per session. :/ Everything I do falls into the semirealistic category, hair is all Io textures on alpha meshes with a largely Pooklet-derived palette.

I don't take requests, but if you're curious, you can always ask if something's in my projects folders...who knows, it might get pushed to earlier in the queue.

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