Frida Goth’s small green trailer home on an overcast summer day.
Frida is sitting on her porch, smoking a cigarette. She turns to greet Xander.
Xander is smiling slightly, carrying a coffee tray with two paper cups on it.
Frida, still sitting on her chair on the porch.
Xander is handing Frida her hot drink.
Frida is glaring at her phone in one hand, and holding her chai in the other.
Xander puts a hand on Frida’s back. Frida looks sad, looking at the ground
Xander pulls Frida in for a comforting hug.
Xander’s car can be seen driving in the rain.
Xander’s can be seen driving in the rain, making its way towards the diner.
Frida and Xander are sitting in the car. Frida is turned towards Xander, smiling.
Xander is leaning forward in the driver’s seat, looking a little uncomfortable.
Xander turns toward Frida with a sincere expression on his face.
Frida is turned towards Xander from the passenger seat.
A zoomed out picture of the car sitting in the rainy parking lot.
Frida is walking away from the car in the rain.
Xander is watching Frida walk away.
Xander leans forward against the steering wheel and puts his face in his hands.