Mystery of the Hart - Part III: THE PRESENTATION

Story: Mystery of the Hart

Uploaded Aug. 27, 2023, 1:37 a.m.

Updated Aug. 27, 2023, 6:06 a.m.

45 172 109
45 172 109


It's Lit Class presentation day.

Hazel has never been nervous to speak publicly, it's not her favorite thing in the world but there are worse things.

Like calculus.

What has her stomach in knots is the fact she's presenting with Erik and the recent memory of how they maybe-almost kissed over the weekend. She just...doesn't know where they stand. She can't read him very well. Does he like-LIKE her?

Ros, nosy as ever makes her disappointment known they didn't get anywhere.

"Plumbobs, do I have to do everything myself? I get a party going, without your parents, invite the guy over, make sure everyone's busy so you have to be alone together and what?? Do I have to push your heads together to make you kiss too?"

"Relax," Hazel breathes, "You couldn't have predicted the wild card that is my little brother."


"Damn, I've never seen him in any other color other than black or grey," Ros's attention is snatched and riveted all of a sudden. They look up and see Erik walking down the hallway. Class is about to start but Hazel waves him over anyway, just to ask him if he is ready to present.

"Do you think that's a sign? The red? He has the hots for you? Red is the color of hearts..."


His whole face brightens when he catches sight of Hazel, which Ros would note is a great sign if Hazel would be open to hearing any more of her opinions on the matter. Ros studies people a lot. She knows these things.

And damn, Ros is right. He does look good in that sweater.


"Good morning Haschel and Ros," he greets them.

"Morning!" Hazel chirps and gets right to the point, no extra-curricular flirting even, "I practiced my part of the presentation. Did you do yours?"

"Yes, yes, I practice in front of mirror many times. I have no mistakes now," he replies and leans forward with an eager, sure, smile, "We will be victorious!"

Okay, it's not exactly flirting but it's not bad, Ros thinks. She is happy with how things are going for Hazel.


Hazel and Erik are up first. They tell the synopsis of their chosen play which happens to be rife with romance. Tragic romance. It's Romeo and Juliette. They do a little back and forth, reciting the lines. They point out the themes and symbolism, miscommunications, and other literature forms found in the play.


What's great is that their classmates don't look too bored with them.

Ros is paying full attention, of course. Her discerning eyes are always looking for some clues to solve the secrets of adolescent hearts.


Hazel looks on with admiration because Erik really did nail all the lines, which can be hard for someone that doesn't speak the native language.

She really tried to focus on her lines–not think about his soft and firm voice drenched in that accent, his handsome smile, and for sakes, that fantastic cologne!

Seven Layers of aspirational Hells, Ros and the rest of the class probably can read Hazel's struggle all over her face...


They return to their seats. It's Ros's turn. Ros begins her presentation by pointing out the fact her partner may have been faking ill to get out of it, gesturing to the empty seat.


Then she turns and says, "Mr. Sanchez, do I really have to do this if my partner is sick? Does this mean I get his grade too? Can I get a double A plus? Is that even possible?"

"No Ros, he will be able to make up the assignment when he feels better."


Ros continues her presentation but gets really into the revenge part of it. Her presentation was about Hamlet.


Hazel thinks Hamlet may have given Ros some ideas on how to handle her classmate when he returns.

He's usually in good health so it's not a stretch to assume he was faking it.


She feels eyes on her and glances over to Erik. He's smiling at her again, she quickly looks away and tries not to blush.

She hopes this doesn't distract Ros from her presentation.


Presentations are completed. They are told they will get their grades next week. As Hazel packs up her bag she knocks her notebook to the floor by accident.

When she reaches down to retrieve it, she finds somebody has already made a grab for it.


"Thanks," Hazel smiles as Erik hands it back to her. She places it her backpack and adjusts it over her shoulders.

"I think we make a good team, and you did well," Erik compliments her.

She can feel Ros radiating teenage glee from behind her. Probably not minding Hazel is dawdling and will be late to gym class. Thankfully, Ros has the decency to leave them so they can be alone.

"Thanks, you did amazing!" Hazel smiles and returns a compliment.


"I just want to ask you–that maybe would you like to have a dinner with me sometime?"


Hazel's breath seems to leave her for a brief moment. Is this a date? Is he asking her on a date?

She comes back to her senses and knows she needs to get to her next class, so with an intake of breath she says, "Y-y-es! I'd love that!" and gives him her phone number.


Ros is dying to know what happened but Hazel feels like she's floating along the high school's hallway. Completely on cloud 9.


She seems to be in a fog the rest of the day but it breaks as she returns home.

That's odd. Her father's vehicle is parked in the driveway. He usually works until the evening.

Well, maybe it's more good things if he's going to be home finally and not away for work all the time!


"Dad! You're home!" Hazel says gleefully as she enters the house. She can't help it, she's riding fumes of giddiness from when Erik basically asked her on a date. However, her enthusiasm dries up immediately at the sight before her.


Her father is sitting at the dining table as if he was waiting for her. Not a good sign.

Not only that but her mother is home too and she's never home before six o'clock.

Her mother looks displeased. Hazel's stomach drops, already knowing what has happened in some capacity.


That something is Harrison, who slinks out from behind a wall and says, "Sorry Haze. They made me tell them the truth."
