Newsea Torrent Hair for Both Genders
by digi
Uploaded Aug. 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
Updated Aug. 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
This one is Newsea Torrent hair retexture with Newsea’s original texture for both genders. (male conversion is completely new addition to this + I fixed some transparencies etc on it too) Originally converted to Sims 2 by Evannamari here. I further converted it for male sims too because I wanted it for my boys and while at it I noticed it had few small transparencies and wonky normals at few small spots so I fixed those too.
If you just want the transparency/normals fixed mesh for females and/or mesh+base texture grab the "NewseaTorrent-MeshFix&F2M base" file.
Credits & other info:
- Mesh by Newsea, converted by Evannamari and further converted for boys by me.
- Note: I added the male into the same mesh file to not needlessly duplicate the child mesh, additionally since I also fixed the transparencies and some normals I changed the filename a little from EMari_NewSea_J272_Torrent_4t2_CEFH_MESH to EMari_NewSea_J272_Torrent_4t2_CEBG_MESH_TransparencyFixByDigi please delete the original if you have it and want to use the fixed mesh.
- Polycount is just a little bit over 11k, not bad for hair this long in my opinion.
- Child - elder, both genders
- Texture size is 1024x1024
- Texture is Newsea’s original
- Colors are my usual awful mess, contains Pooklet’s Volatile and Dynamite & Io’s Serqet in the mess so credit to them for those
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