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Katsu - BG dress retextures.rar 4.0 MB
2 months, 2 weeks ago
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Katsu-afbodydress_DR.package 1.1 MB
2 months, 2 weeks ago
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BG dress rettexture + texture default

Project: Clothes texture DRs

Uploaded Oct. 4, 2024, 10:12 p.m.

Updated Oct. 23, 2024, 3:42 a.m.

Socials: Tumblr Instagram

5 73 61

Continuing on my stint of making some normal looking clothes for normal looking sims, here’s a retexture of the BG dress! It’s got a skirt which is an edit of Aquil’s default, and the top part is pretty much Witheredlilies/Amaryll’s Alice Dress bodice mixed with MDP’s Plain Tee, with some added hand painted details on the shoes.

There’s 16 recolours in either dress or seperates styles, and they come in Aelia’s colours and some patterns. AF only, categorised as everyday. The afbodydress default uses the Rose, Blue dot and Navy floral recolours.

Reccomended but not required (thus not included) is PForestsims mesh edit default, which is shown in all the pictures. It won’t look weird if you don’t have it bar a small dark patch on the shoes (see pictures), but I’d really strongly reccomend it for the shaping.

Tags: Clothing: #Default Replacement #Dresses & One-pieces #Everyday | Default Replacements:

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